Our Innovation Drives


The Bara.1 HealthTech Hackathon

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WHI partnership with Endeavour South Africa

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The Bara.1 HealthTech Hackathon

From 24 – 24 February 2019, WHI held the BARA.1 Healthtech hackathon. We brought together Wits’ paediatric surgery nurses and doctors together with entrepreneurs, designers, developers and engineers for a 16-hour hackathon. Five teams of 5-6 people competed to find the best solution to the problem area identified within the paediatric surgery department. WHI and participants have been working together to develop the ideas pitched at this hackathon. Primarily supporting the development of a patient scheduling platform produced by the winning team (see section below).


WHI partnership with Endeavor South Africa

WHI has partnered with Endeavor South Africa (https://endeavor.co.za/) for our digital health innovation drive launching April 2021. WHI will send out calls for proposals to the various academic and clinical departments in the Wits circuit of hospitals. Together with Endeavor, WHI will choose the most pressing problem being faced, and Endeavor will put the problem to their global network of businesses and startups. The problem will then be tackled through collaboration with members of Endeavor’s global network and the department/focus-area chosen. The solution will not only be implemented within the chosen department, but will also be commercialised and scaled throughout South Africa and internationally.